It’s never too early to start your retirement plan.


Optimum retirement planning years are aged around your 40’s, but we find most people start seriously considering and planning their retirement in their 50’s.

So, you are looking to stop working at some point, now is the time to plan for your future and retirement. And as retirement is getting closer, you’ll be looking for ways to grow your super savings. What things do you need to consider and plan for?

The right guidance and financial advice can help you create the retirement reality you want. Pre retirement, retirement and what we call ‘reinspirement’ planning are about your goals and together making the right decisions to reach your goals.

Focusing on opportunities for passive income generation and designing ‘transition to retirement’ and ‘income swapping’ strategies that will also help provide the income for your lifestyle throughout your retirement is vitally important.

General Retirement Planning Snapshot

  • Enjoyed a successful career but ready to plan your retirement exit
  • You want to enjoy what you have worked so hard for over your working life
  • Need help planning or managing retirement income, including advice about social security.
  • You may have Super and other investments such as property, shares and managed funds and would also like to make sure your estate planning details are in order.
  • Have started to talk about how to fund your retirement
  • May have investments and are concerned about possible volatility in the share market
  • Want help planning your future – travel, renovations, children’s education, estate planning
  • May have money to invest and are ready to improve your financial position and knowledge
Retirement Planning

What are the questions most often asked about retirement planning?

  • How much is enough for retirement?
  • What is my retirement number to live the life I/we want?
  • What is my retirement date and will I be debt free?
  • How do I use Superannuation to reduce my overall tax burden?
  • How does my superannuation relate to my family and estate plan?
  • How do I structure my superannuation assets?

These are just some of the questions we find solutions to for clients every day. Retirement planning and superannuation is not simple, but together we can develop a strategy to ensure your superannuation is properly structured with a strategy to get you where you want to be in retirement life.

📖 Read about ‘retirement planning built to last’ here

Our 5 Steps to Retirement?

1. Working out how you’ll fund your retirement

As retirement is getting closer, you’re probably looking for ways to grow your super savings. How you’ll access that money is also important, as it may affect the tax you pay. A financial adviser can help you:

Work out and implement strategies to boost your super before retirement.
Creating saving plans and spending budgets.
Decide how to invest your super or other assets and choose investment types that suit you.
Choose the best retirement income streams for your financial situation.
Work out strategies that may increase your eligibility for the Age Pension.

2. Selling an investment property

If you feel the time is right to sell, we can help you:

To decide what to do with the proceeds of the sale.
Consider any implications of selling before or after retirement. For example, if you sell your investment property before you retire, the Capital Gains Tax (CGT) you pay may be higher than if you sell it after you retire.

3. Downsizing or taking a tree or sea change

If you’re considering moving into a smaller home or to the coast or country, a financial adviser can help you:

Understand any financial implications, such as your eligibility for the Age Pension.
Your home is exempt from means testing, but your super and other investments may not be.
Budget for moving and buying costs.

4. Transitioning to retirement

You may be able to take advantage of a transition to retirement strategy that lets you start drawing down your super while you continue to work full time or drop down to part time hours. As financial adviser we can help you:

Work out if you can afford to cut down your working hours and use a transition to retirement pension to top up your income.

Make the most of the tax concessions available if you opt to work full-time, top up your super and draw a transition to retirement pension from your super.

5. Planning your estate

Estate planning can be one of the most important things you can do as part of retirement planning, so as to make sure your family is provided for in the way you intend. It’s more than just having a current will. Together with your legal adviser, a financial adviser can help you:

Understand and minimise the tax impact of how your assets will be distributed.
Set up a Binding Death Benefit nomination for your super.

It’s a fact that we are going to be living longer so rather than retirement planning we recommend Re-Inspirement planning! In the other words what are you going to retire to?

🚀 By getting your house in order in this area, we know that most of your investment growth normally comes toward the end of your life. Which makes sense as a result of what Albert Einstein termed the 8th wonder of the world, called ‘The law of compounding“.

🚀 Like a Rocket leaving the earth… the higher you go the less resistance you encounter and faster you rise. So as gravity decreases the density of the atmosphere lessens and momentum builds.

🚀 This is what happens to your wealth creation if you allow it grow and expand. Building earlier with momentum.. wouldn’t that give you a great reason to ‘live‘ and then you may just retire to something that continues to inspire you.

*Some call this retirement planning but we term it re-inspirement for a very good reason..


If you are unsure of what you have or more importantly NOT HAVE, please call us on 08 7111 0022 – A simple call may be all it takes to get you started. Or book a chat here

Just 15 minutes of your time is the best way to start..

Arthur Panagis
Author, Founder, Wealth Coach and Financial Strategist

B.Bus (Accountant), Grad Dip (Financial Planning)
Tax (financial) Advisor
Professional Certificate in Self Managed Super Funds
ASX Listed Equities Accreditation


💰 What you do today, creates your tomorrow so make the best of today.



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