I wanted to give a quick dive into our latest book Wealth, Wellness and Mindset, why we wrote it and what you can gain from reading it.

What is Wealth, Wellness and Mindset

WHAT started out as our own personal Self Discovery journey into understanding the core principles of wealth, wellness and mindset turned into so much more.
Our EARLY learnings were powerful and as we applied some of these key methodologies and strategies to our own lives we noticed BIG shifts and awareness’ and as time went on it led to big changes in our own mindset as well as enhancing the quality of our life and relationships.
Once learned, we realized they could be applied to all areas of our life. We started with simple changes and grew from there. Surprisingly, it got easier and quicker to shift old perceptions and emotions and we quickly learned how our thoughts, whether they be conscious or unconscious, either assist or sabotage every area of our life.
💡 Our MIND holds the key to EVERYTHING!

Exploring Wealth, Wellness and Mindset


Your consciousness is everything and the truth is you are the powerful creator of everything in your current and future reality. Wealth is a consciousness and depending on your beliefs around wealth and money, it will determine how much wealth you will accumulate. The good news is, you can change your beliefs and your consciousness of money and building true wealth.
Wealth, Wellness and Mindset
Your subconscious mindset, beliefs and attitude of wealth and money are developed from an early age from your parents and or surroundings. This area of the mind is often not ever recognized, but has the power to run your whole life without you ever having a awareness of it.
It is those programs that are running your life, and can be running in the background ALL your life, without you ever knowing.
These hidden thought patterns create a barrier between us, the money and what it is we would really love to have. you can find out how your mindset and your wealth are intimately connected and how you can change it here


Wellness is such a big topic and worth spending time on to understand how wealth, wellness and mindset are so powerfully interlinked!
I will just start by saying.. what’s the good of wealth without health? Steve Jobs said “Eat your food as medicine or you will be eating your medicine as food!” Such great wisdom!
But it’s not only what you PUT IN YOUR BODY that determines your health and wellness but what thoughts, emotions and perceptions you FEED yourself. They will also determine your health and wellness! Just by balancing your emotions and perceptions you can change the chemicals in your body. You have the ability to rewire your brain to your advantage and balance your perceptions and both allow your body to heal. You’ve heard the saying heal your mind, heal your body!

Science now supports that your thoughts have an effect on not only your brain but your body and your life. The power that made your body heals your body. The intelligence that is giving us life, that is keeping our heart beating, digesting our food and giving us breath, all that runs through our autotomic nervous system is the greatest healer in the world and all we have to do is get out of the way.

Your subconscious mindset, beliefs and attitude around health and wellness that are developed from your perceptions and or surroundings and is running and controlling your health and wellness also without you ever having a awareness of it. Up until now. It is those programs that that have been running your life up until now that has created the results you have in your current reality!
That’s a lot to swallow at first.
That’s why if you take one step at a time, before you know it your wealth, wellness and mindset have shifted for you benefit and the results in your life have changed for the better.


The mind is such a big thing. Your thoughts are everything!
💡 They are the creator of your reality.
All the RESULTS you have in your life are because of your thoughts and choices you’ve made. Think about it… You got to this moment I thinking you could or thinking you couldn’t. Whether you think you CAN or think you CAN’T – you’re right!
Your thoughts shape who you are in every moment. Happy/sad, fit / sluggish, successful / successful, free or trapped. How you think forms your current reality.
That’s what our latest book Wealth, Wellness and Mindset is all about – understanding your mind. Because you get to choose and DECIDE how you want to FEEL, what action you want to take and WHO you want to be, by making conscious choices for creating an inspired new reality.
All the RESULTS you have in your life are because of your thoughts and choices you’ve made. Think about it… You got to this moment I thinking you could or thinking you couldn’t. Whether you think you CAN or think you CAN’T – you’re right!
Your thoughts shape who you are in every moment. Happy/sad, fit / sluggish, successful / successful, free or trapped. How you think forms your current reality.
That’s what our latest book Wealth, Wellness and Mindset is all about – understanding your mind. Because you get to choose and DECIDE how you want to FEEL, what action you want to take and WHO you want to be, by making conscious choices for creating an inspired new reality.

Here’s the thing, by the age of 35, 95% of who we are, are a memorized set of patterns – Thought patterns, emotional patterns, & subconscious habits. We are hardwired without even knowing it, operating on autopilot. That leaves only 5% of our consciousness that is awareness and controllable! That is something you definitely want to change.

Let me quickly explain the 3 levels of consciousness that we talk about in the book

1. The sub-conscious – think of it as a cup and a big sponge.
This sponge stores all your experiences, memories and emotions, it has no filter, everything goes in. All your habits are formed there and the sub-conscious doesn’t know real from imagined. It runs on auto pilot which is good & bad. You don’t have to remember to breathe, digest your food, to pump blood around your body etc.
It’s primary role is to keep safe and if you survive any event it will attract more events like that because it knows you survived and it can keep you safe. This in itself will assist or sabotage every area of your life. Understanding which is assisting and which is sabotaging what you have in life, and how you can change this is what will change the results you have in your life!

2. The self-conscious is your physical consciousness. Your thinking, reasoning mind. The mind that thinks in terms of right & wrong, good & bad and operates in judgement and oscillation. The self-conscious makes choices and takes action and is your state of physical awareness.

3. The super-conscious is your creator consciousness. Your divine connection to infinite intelligence and wisdom. It’s your home of creativity, intuition and imagination. The realm of perfect ideas, the God within us. Creating from a super-conscious consciousness is living your inspired life.

Wealth Wellness and Mindset – 3 key take-aways

At our recent Wealth Wellness and Mindset book launch I was asked what were the 3 key takeaways from the book. That was a pretty easy conclusion because understanding the mind was the top priority. Once you understand how your mind works and how you can change it to work FOR you with it supporting your greatest dreams and desires, then you get to choose what’s next in every moment.
It’s all about exploring and getting to know our mind and body, not judging, just observerving and then making a choice. You’ll see that the mind is connected to a higher intellegence and as you recognize this, those brain waves become highly coherant and you begin to feel connected to something greater.
💡 The second key take-away was is balancing your perceptions. This is done by asking 2 key questions and once you have brought any perception, belief or event into balance the chemicals in your body change from ‘poisonous’ to neutral, when you see the benefits in equal number to the drawbacks your mind and body become poised, balanced and grateful for the awareness, so then you can move forward in your life in grace and ease rather that judgement and resentment.
💡 The third key take-away is you do YOU!
Understanding your own unique values and living your own values is the foundation to living a truly fulfilling life! No two persons values are the same. I highly recommend you do the values determination process (the link is in the book) so you can discover what your true highest values are. And I strongly suggest that you ask your partner in life to do it too, that way you get a better understanding of yours and theirs. And INSTEAD of possible conflict, you can work together to achieve what is most important to both of you!
If wealth is not up in the top three and you want it to be, then a clear plan to increase building your wealth is a priority. We can help with you that 🙂
The worst thing you can do is to try and live someone else’s values or expect someone to live by your values. It will cause conflict, pain, illness, regret and resentment. It is better to undersatand each others values and work together on each persons’ highest values and both live a truly fulfilling life together.
💡 It’s all in the book! Utilise it all 🙂 Train your mind in areas that you will enhance your life & your HEALTH & your relationships. Every area of your life!
If you would like to change your life and have your whole ‘being’ working FOR YOU grab your copy of the book here
Available in Ebook, B&W and a colour version
And if you like what you have read and want to master these principles quickly you may consider coming along to our 2 Masterclasses.
Masterclass 1 is called ‘New Beginnings’ This is where we take some of the key principles in the book and show you how to quickly master your ability to change what is inhibiting any area of your life.
Masterclass 2 is called ‘Living the Life You Love’ and is all about discovering and then dissolving all unconscious resistance and then creating from your super-conscious to create the life you absolutely love.
💡 “Creating your now current reality and future reality from a new perspective.” (as the new powerful creator that you are). Want to know more go to wwandm.com.au
Action is your power! 💥

You are only as good as your last action, and your actions will be revealed to you by the results you see in your life. Make your actions count in both how to save for a big purchase and ultimately building your wealth.

Your commitment is your responsibility, and your success in life depends on your actions and your commitment. So, enjoy the journey, embrace your challenges, live your dreams.


If you need help and this article has inspired you to take action, contact us and allow us to assist you on your wealth building journey.

Call us on 08 7111 0022 or book a chat here.

Arthur Panagis
Author, Founder, Wealth Coach and Financial Strategist

B.Bus (Accountant)
Grad Dip (Financial Planning)
Professional Certificate in Self Managed Super Funds
ASX Listed Equities Accreditation
Tax (financial) Advisor

REMEMBER, action is power!
💪 We want to make the rest of your life the best of your life.


– Head Office –
Suite 2, Level 1, 148 Greehill Rd,
Ph – 08 7111 0022
Email – info@fmgws.com.au




Disclaimer: This article is prepared based on general information. It does not take into account individual financial objectives or needs and is not financial product advice.

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